Welcome to Earthcare Education Aotearoa!
Our mission (kaupapa) is:
Recreating Right Relationship with ALL Communities – respecting ALL life as sacred
Facilitating sustainable human settlements, where culture embraces nature
Restoring ecosystems whilst establishing food security
Earthcare’s objectives are:
1. to provide and promote education in environmental awareness, sustainable land use and responsible resource management.
2. to promote a wholistic approach to education by teaching the principles and practices of cooperation, community participation and sustainable culture.
3. to promote, conduct and publish research and educational materials on sustainable systems.
Earthcare often partners other organisations with compatible aims in delivering facilitation, education, design or consultancy services.
Earthcare Education have developed a set of Financial Principles, download the PDF here.
Institute of Earthcare Education Aotearoa is a non-profit Trust dedicated to the ethics and principles of sustainability and Permaculture.

Robina McCurdy
Robina has been engaged in community development, organic growing, permaculture design and tutoring on a global scale for the past 30 years.
She is the founder of the Institute of Earthcare Education Aotearoa, co-founder of Tui Land Trust & Community in Golden Bay, NZ and pioneer ofthe S.E.E.D (Schools Environmental Education & Development) programme in South Africa and Brazil.
She has developed a range of environmental education resources and participatory processes for collectivedecision-making and action – most notably ‘Grounding Vision, Empowering Culture’, a community facilitation manual, and ‘Grow It!’, a Home Garden coaching series.
Robina has taught & applied her powerful community-building methods with households, neighborhoods, schools, farms, ecovillages & bioregions, in Aotearoa/New Zealand and many countries overseas.
Over the past few years she worked as the designer & co-ordinator of the Victory Community Health Gardens in Nelson and a permaculture educator with Project Lyttelton’s ‘Harbour Basin Food Resilience’ project in Christchurch. Since spring 2012, she has spent most of her time in a voluntary capacity, creating, directing and managing Earthcare’s ‘Localising Food’ project.
Robina has been engaged in community development, organic growing, permaculture design and tutoring on a global scale for the past 30 years.
She is the founder of the Institute of Earthcare Education Aotearoa, co-founder of Tui Land Trust & Community in Golden Bay, NZ and pioneer ofthe S.E.E.D (Schools Environmental Education & Development) programme in South Africa and Brazil.
She has developed a range of environmental education resources and participatory processes for collectivedecision-making and action – most notably ‘Grounding Vision, Empowering Culture’, a community facilitation manual, and ‘Grow It!’, a Home Garden coaching series.
Robina has taught & applied her powerful community-building methods with households, neighborhoods, schools, farms, ecovillages & bioregions, in Aotearoa/New Zealand and many countries overseas.
Over the past few years she worked as the designer & co-ordinator of the Victory Community Health Gardens in Nelson and a permaculture educator with Project Lyttelton’s ‘Harbour Basin Food Resilience’ project in Christchurch. Since spring 2012, she has spent most of her time in a voluntary capacity, creating, directing and managing Earthcare’s ‘Localising Food’ project.

Charley Bradley
Charley is committed to the practicality of Permaculture, as well as
directly addressing the challenges that you face living with our planet,
navigating your inner permaculture processes to create new resilient and
regenerative ways of being, at a time of both challenge and opportunity.
Charley’s professional life as a pharmacist, homoeopath, nutritionalist
and psychotherapist, catalysed his inner development. More recently he
has trained in Compassionate Communication (NVC), Sociocracy, Dragon
Dreaming and Restorative justice.
His practical experience includes rebuilding several stone cottages and
transforming three acres including a vineyard, citrus orchard and farm
animals, in the Azores Islands, over 35 years. He also rebuilt a boat
and lived on the sea for ten years whilst visiting many different
climates around the Atlantic including much of Europe and South America.
He now resides in NZ at Tui Community, where he is the Land & Buildings
Charley brings his experiences together with permaculture principles and
methodology, to create an evolving and effective way to be with
ourselves and our planet, now.
Charley is committed to the practicality of Permaculture, as well as
directly addressing the challenges that you face living with our planet,
navigating your inner permaculture processes to create new resilient and
regenerative ways of being, at a time of both challenge and opportunity.
Charley’s professional life as a pharmacist, homoeopath, nutritionalist
and psychotherapist, catalysed his inner development. More recently he
has trained in Compassionate Communication (NVC), Sociocracy, Dragon
Dreaming and Restorative justice.
His practical experience includes rebuilding several stone cottages and
transforming three acres including a vineyard, citrus orchard and farm
animals, in the Azores Islands, over 35 years. He also rebuilt a boat
and lived on the sea for ten years whilst visiting many different
climates around the Atlantic including much of Europe and South America.
He now resides in NZ at Tui Community, where he is the Land & Buildings
Charley brings his experiences together with permaculture principles and
methodology, to create an evolving and effective way to be with
ourselves and our planet, now.

Inna Alex
Inna is a trained Environmental Planner and Landscape Architect. Living at Tui Community, she aims to integrate her Permaculture knowledge by co-ordinating and co-teaching some of Earthcare’s Permaculture Education Programmes, living actively in intentional community, teaching yoga and tending the garden.
Inna is our course administrator and does her best to facilitate everyone’s registrations. Her main focus in teaching on the PDC at Tui is Deep Ecology, as she is passionate about facilitating access to and sustenance of our internal motivation and capacities to heal our world.
Sol Morgan
Sol is an avid organic gardener, edible landscaper, seed saver and community garden advocate with over thirty years experience, Sol is passionate about sharing his knowledge and inspiring people of all ages to live in a more sustainable way. He is the vision-holder for the Sustainable Living Course and Centre.
Sol has a BAg (Hons) specialising in Biological Husbandry. After university, he worked in horticulture for DSIR doing tree nutrient analysis. In 1994 he started Koanga Seeds with Kaye Baxter in Kaiwaka. Sol was the co-ordinator of Waimarama Community Gardens in Nelson, and the Golden Bay Community Gardens & Sustainable Living Centre run by the Te Wharerangi Trust, of which he is now the chairperson. As the production manager here, he grew $40,000 worth of veges per year for local consumption.
In 2007 Sol started ‘Growise Consultancy’ to provide education and advice ‘to help people to help themselves’ to become food self-sufficient. Sol works with suburban-scale properties, ‘lifestyle’ blocks and farms – from commercial to private household purposes.
Sol is an avid organic gardener, edible landscaper, seed saver and community garden advocate with over thirty years experience, Sol is passionate about sharing his knowledge and inspiring people of all ages to live in a more sustainable way. He is the vision-holder for the Sustainable Living Course and Centre.
Sol has a BAg (Hons) specialising in Biological Husbandry. After university, he worked in horticulture for DSIR doing tree nutrient analysis. In 1994 he started Koanga Seeds with Kaye Baxter in Kaiwaka. Sol was the co-ordinator of Waimarama Community Gardens in Nelson, and the Golden Bay Community Gardens & Sustainable Living Centre run by the Te Wharerangi Trust, of which he is now the chairperson. As the production manager here, he grew $40,000 worth of veges per year for local consumption.
In 2007 Sol started ‘Growise Consultancy’ to provide education and advice ‘to help people to help themselves’ to become food self-sufficient. Sol works with suburban-scale properties, ‘lifestyle’ blocks and farms – from commercial to private household purposes.

Sungee Heijneman
Sungee’s life is oriented around Permaculture, Yoga, Chi Gong, breathwork, appropriate technology, nature connection, healing, community, organic growing and holistic living.
He graduated with a Dip. Multimedia Producer from the SAE Institute Amsterdam in 2001. Since then he has worked globally as a Web Designer and Webmaster.
Sungee completed his Permaculture Design Certificate in 2010 with Earthcare Education Aotearoa.
After years of traveling, Sungee decided to settle in Tropical North QLD, Australia and graduated as a Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT), as well as a Soma Breath Instructor.
He now works with clients and gives weekly classes at a little retreat centre in Kuranda, where he is also communally creating an abundant food forest.
Next to working with people to make a difference, Sungee still loves working on projects which make a difference.
He created Earthcare's and Localising Food Project’s websites and is our webmaster.
His current websites are https://geewhiz.me (web design) and http://highvibrational.me
Sungee’s life is oriented around Permaculture, Yoga, Chi Gong, breathwork, appropriate technology, nature connection, healing, community, organic growing and holistic living.
He graduated with a Dip. Multimedia Producer from the SAE Institute Amsterdam in 2001. Since then he has worked globally as a Web Designer and Webmaster.
Sungee completed his Permaculture Design Certificate in 2010 with Earthcare Education Aotearoa.
After years of traveling, Sungee decided to settle in Tropical North QLD, Australia and graduated as a Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT), as well as a Soma Breath Instructor.
He now works with clients and gives weekly classes at a little retreat centre in Kuranda, where he is also communally creating an abundant food forest.
Next to working with people to make a difference, Sungee still loves working on projects which make a difference.
His current websites are https://geewhiz.me (web design) and http://highvibrational.me